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"In 2008, Jo Tarry, the amazing mother of 2 wonderful girls, died suddenly and unexpectedly. As a family, this was a blow so large we never thought we would recover, but we were fortunate to live in an area where outstanding charitable support for grieving children was available. The difference this support made to the girls and to my family was incalculable. It’s in Jo’s memory that Josephine’s Star was born to bring this support to the children and young people of Somerset, to help them and their families just as we were helped, I can think of no better legacy for Jo."
Leif Tarry, Founder.
Memories of Mummy – Leif and Raphie
Raphie was 4 when her mum died in 2008. 6 years later, she has some questions for her dad. He has some answers, but wants to ask things of her too. What does she remember of her mum? Would she like different memories? Dad and daughter discuss their loss and what mum might think of them today.
This conversation was recorded with the help of Balloons in Exeter and is subject to BBC copyright.